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What is the Best Treatment for Dengue?

Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection, has become a serious health concern around the world. Dengue can range in severity from mild to severe and is characterised by sudden high fever, severe headaches, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscular pain, and rashes. Symptoms usually start within 10-15 days of getting bitten by an infected mosquito. When dengue gets severe, it can result in fatalities as well as severe bleeding, shock and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Mind Blowing Fact

A key indicator of dengue severity is a sharp decline in platelet and white blood cell (WBC) counts. The typical platelet count ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 lakh per microliter of blood. In dengue, this number can drop to as low as 20,000 or even lower. While low platelet count might not cause symptoms at first, it can lead to severe complications like blood in vomit or stools, internal bleeding, even hemorrhagic fever, which can be fatal.

Furthermore, there may be notable decline in white blood cells, which are responsible to combat viral dengue infections, thereby weakening the body’s immune response. There is no allopathic medicine available that can directly boost platelet and white blood cell counts. The main reason for dengue hospitalisation is with monitoring the infection and ensuring that no complications arise as a result of the infection.

This is where HealZen’s dengue protocol stands out as the best treatment for dengue. At HealZen, our focus is on increasing platelet counts through functional nutritional therapy.

HealZen’s Dengue Protocol

The “Healzen” formulation presents a promising alternative with Novel Phyto-Nutritional Protocol to Rapid Platelet Restoration in Dengue Fever. “This protocol involves a combination of 3 to 5 Phytoextracts designed to effectively enhance platelet counts by 20,000 to 40,000 per day. Moreover, the Healzen formulation aims to prevent patients from developing severe complications associated with dengue. The holistic approach of Healzen supports rapid recovery in terms of platelet count and provides a preventative measure against disease progression, offering a comprehensive solution where conventional medicine currently falls short.

Day 1

A dengue blood test confirms the virus, at which point the patient arrives. If the platelet count is above 50,000, we start with the HealZen Dengue Protocol; if it is less than 50,000, we initiate the HealZen Dengue Advanced Protocol. The Dengue Protocol starts with four natural medicines given at four-hour intervals, while the advanced protocol includes five medicines at the same frequency.

Day 2

According to our policy, the only allopathy medicine we use is antipyretics, which we only give if the fever is really high. Daily blood tests are taken to monitor the platelet count. Within 24 to 48 hours, the patient can start seeing an increase in the platelet count.

Day 3

The frequency of medicine is decreased as the platelet count rises. The entire course duration is 15 days, ensuring a robust recovery.

Case Study

Success Story: Rapid Recovery with HealZen Protocol Treatment

While most patients are hospitalised for dengue with platelet counts around 1 lakh, HealZen has achieved outstanding results even with patients starting with much lower counts. Here’s a compelling success story that showcases the effectiveness of HealZen’s treatment:

Patient Background:

A second-year engineering student, who was preparing for a formula racing car design competition in Russia, developed dengue symptoms and confirmed the infection through a blood test.
Initial Platelet Count: 1,38,000.
Platelet Count when starting with HealZen Protocol: 1,14,000

Treatment Progress:

  • Day 1: HealZen treatment was started with two medicines administered every four hours.
  • Day 2: Platelet count slightly decreased to 1,10,000, but treatment continued as planned.
  • Day 3: Just 36 hours into the protocol, platelet count rose to 1,42,000, with the patient no longer experiencing fever.
  • Day 4 & 5: The treatment continues.
  • Day 6: Platelet count reached a normal level of 1,72,000.

This case study highlights HealZen’s ability to effectively restore platelet count levels and facilitate rapid recovery.

HealZen Treatment Protocol v/s Allopathy Protocol

Aspects HealZen Treatment Protocol Allopathy Protocol
Treatment Focus Prioritises increasing platelet count and white blood cells Focuses on alleviating symptoms
Cost Less than ₹7,000 for the standard protocol and less than ₹12,000 for the advanced protocol High hospitalisation costs
Recovery Speed Platelet count typically increases within 24 to 48 hours Platelet recovery usually takes a minimum of 8-9 days
Medication Type Uses natural medicines, with antipyretics (the only allopathy medicine) given when fever is high Relies on synthetic medicines

Book an Appointment

For those seeking the best treatment for dengue, HealZen offers an effective, natural, and cost-efficient solution. Book an appointment today and take a step towards a swift and complete recovery.

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