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Treat Anaemia During Pregnancy

Treat Anaemia During Pregnancy

Anaemia is a condition characterized by insufficient healthy red blood cells, or haemoglobin to transport oxygen throughout the body. According to recent data, approximately 50% of pregnant women in India suffer from anaemia, yet many aren’t getting a simple prenatal screening test to check their iron levels. And that’s worrisome, especially since iron plays such a critical role in helping babies to develop.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that globally, 37% of pregnant women are affected by anaemia. While pregnant, you require 27 mg of iron daily. The deficiency can lead to fatigue, weakness, and breathlessness, significantly affecting both the mother and the developing fetus.

Why is iron in pregnancy important?

Iron is an essential nutrient for a healthy pregnancy. In fact, your iron needs increase during pregnancy, in part because you’re experiencing a major uptick in blood flow to support your growing baby. The increased nutritional demands during pregnancy make it challenging to maintain adequate iron levels. This need is most acute in the first trimester, where the risk of anaemia is particularly pronounced.

Understanding Anaemia in Pregnancy

Anaemia during pregnancy can vary in severity.
1) Mild Anaemia: Mild anaemia is characterized when haemoglobin levels are slightly below normal, typically between 10 and 11.9 grams per deciliter (g/dL).
Symptoms: Mild fatigue, weakness, headache, and occasional dizziness.
Treatment: Increase iron intake by consuming iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, meat, legumes, cereals, bread, and certain fruits. Eating foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, can also help the body absorb iron.

2) Severe Anaemia: Severe anaemia is characterized when haemoglobin levels are typically between 6.5 and 7.9 grams per deciliter (g/dL).
Symptoms: Severe fatigue, breathlessness, brittle nails, mouth ulcers, pale skin, Pica syndrome, and more.
Treatment: This may include treatments like:
Blood Transfusion: In critical cases, to quickly increase haemoglobin levels, though generally avoided due to the potential risk of pregnancy.
Haemoglobin Boosters: Medication such as erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) stimulates red blood cell production and is used when iron supplements alone are insufficient.
Prenatal vitamins & Iron Supplements: Intake prenatal vitamins once a day and iron supplement.

Impact of Anaemia on Baby Health

Anaemia in pregnant women can impact the health of babies in several ways:

Birth Outcomes: Anaemia increases the risk of early delivery, i.e., preterm birth, low birth weight, and decreased iron stores in the baby. Some studies also show an increased risk of infant death immediately before or after birth.

Development Delays: Insuffient oxygen supply and iron deficiency can hinder baby growth and development.

Infections: Iron deficiency can make children more susceptible to infections.

HealZen’s Approach to Treating Anaemia During Pregnancy

HealZen offers an efficient method for managing anaemia and ensuring a safe pregnancy. The 9 + 2 month protocol is intended to meet both prenatal and postpartum nutritional needs. The protocol includes:

Tailored Prenatal Plan: HealZen offers a personalized treatment plan that includes three carefully selected medicines and a personalized MNT program. The plan ensures that both the mother and the fetus receive the necessary nutrients promoting overall health and wellness.

Postpartum Care Plan: Postpartum recovery is a critical phase for a woman’s health. The demands of pregnancy deplete the body’s nutrient reserves. HealZen’s 2-month postpartum protocol is designed to replenish essential nutrients and support optimal maternal health during this vital recovery period.

From First Trimester to Postpartum: Success Story with HealZen’s Tailored Nutritional Treatment Case Study: Mrs. Sharma's Journey with HealZen

Initial Consultation: Mrs. Sharma contacted HealZen during her first trimester due to concerns about her nutritional needs.

Tailored Plan: HealZen developed a plan that includes both prenatal and postpartum nutritional requirements, including a personalized MNT program.

Ongoing Support: Throughout her pregnancy, Mrs. Sharma was routinely monitored, and adjustments were made to her plan to ensure optimal nutrient intake and overall health.

Smooth Delivery: The tailored approach ensured that Mrs. Sharma had a smooth delivery with no complications related to anaemia.

Postpartum Recovery: After delivery, Mrs. A followed HealZen’s 2-month postpartum protocol, which helped replenish essential nutrients and supported a healthy recovery.

Outcome: Mrs. Sharma experienced a positive and healthy pregnancy journey. HealZen’s holistic care ensured a positive outcome for both mother and child.

Book an appointment

For those seeking the best treatment to treat anemia during pregnancy, HealZen offers a comprehensive approach to ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy. Book an appointment today.

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