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What Is Functional Nutrition Therapy?

What Is Functional Nutrition Therapy?

What Is Functional Nutrition Therapy?

Functional Nutrition Therapy (FNT) is a personalised, evidence-based therapeutic approach to healthcare that looks beyond basic nutrition to address the specific biochemical needs of an individual. Functional nutrition aims to optimise bodily functions, support healing processes, and manage chronic health issues such as diabetes, Gut issues and many more through targeted dietary interventions.

Personalised means incorporating more detailed and specific information about an individual’s genetic makeup, metabolic profile, food preferences, and even gut microbiome composition and your plan is designed specifically for you.

Functional Nutrition Therapy vs Nutrition Education: What’s the difference?

While nutrition education provides valuable general information about healthy eating habits, it’s not intended to treat specific health conditions. Functional Nutrition Therapy, on the other hand, involves detailed assessments and analysis to understand how diet can influence an individual’s specific health concerns and conditions. utilises this knowledge to create personalised dietary plans that address your unique health conditions.

Here’s an example: If you have high blood pressure, nutrition education might teach you about the benefits of low-sodium foods. FNT Integrates scientific principles of biochemistry and physiology to create a personalised dietary plan that influences health at a cellular level along with factors in your preferences, lifestyle, and medical history to help you manage your blood pressure effectively.

Ready to experience the personalised power of Functional Nutrition Therapy?

How does FNT along with Healzen’s Pro Therapeutic Protocol help treat and manage chronic conditions?

Chronic conditions such as diabetes and fatty liver disease can significantly impact your daily life. While medications play a role, managing these conditions often goes beyond just a pill. This is where Healzen’s Pro Therapeutic Protocol along with Functional Nutrition Therapy (FNT) steps in. Let’s see how.

(Healzen’s Pro Therapeutic Protocols are the power of phytonutrients and bio nutraceuticals in targeted combinations, these protocols aim to optimise health outcomes for individuals managing chronic conditions.)


Diabetes is a condition where your body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels. This can be due to insufficient insulin production (known as type 1 diabetes) or the body’s inability to use insulin effectively (known as type 2 diabetes).

Healzen with its Pro-therapeutic protocol and FNT provide constant backup from the Substation of Gut which is responsible for the ‘Gut-Brain Axis’ keeping the Metabolic rate within normal limits.

Healzen’s Pro Therapeutic Protocol for the reversal of diabetes helps to manage blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

Research shows that Functional Nutrition Therapy (MNT) can effectively manage diabetes [1]. Here at HealZen, we’ve demonstrated this firsthand, helping over 900 patients reverse their diabetes and lead a better quality of life.

HealZen’s Pro Therapeutic protocol and FNT have successfully lowered key diabetes markers like haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), which indicates long-term blood sugar control.

At HealZen, we have also demonstrated the use of Functional Nutrition Therapy for managing gestational diabetes – a temporary condition of high blood sugar that occurs during pregnancy.

Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease is a growing health concern, affecting millions in India and occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver, potentially leading to inflammation and, in severe cases, cirrhosis.

Through HealZen’s Pro Therapeutic Protocol for Liver Health and FNT Program, numerous individuals with fatty liver disease have seen improved liver health markers, such as reduced liver fat content, reflected in their liver function tests. This indicates better overall liver health.

In addition to diabetes and fatty liver disease, HealZen’s programs address over 30 health concerns across various specialities, including gastroenterology, haematology, endocrinology, autoimmune conditions, hepato-renal health, pregnancy and postpartum care, and even cancer care.

Inspired by the positive outcomes of Functional Nutrition Therapy?

See if HealZen's programs are right for you. Book an appointment today!

How Does Functional Nutrition Therapy Work?

Functional Nutrition Therapy (FNT) is a scientifically proven approach rooted in decades of medical research on the connection between diet, nutrition, and health outcomes.

  • Functional Nutrition Therapy starts by identifying underlying imbalances in your body and then implements targeted interventions.
  • These interventions include evidence-based Pro Therapeutic Protocols, such as probiotics, phyto-immunotherapy, and functional foods, to address specific imbalances.
  • Dietary and lifestyle modifications are also recommended, as they can enhance the outcome.

Key Takeaway

If you’re looking for a way to manage a chronic condition or simply improve your overall health, consider exploring Functional Nutrition Therapy. Consult with Healzen’s team of Doctors and FNT Specialists to discuss if Healzen’s Chronic Disease Program is right for you.

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Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications to enable health care providers at different locations to share individual patient medical information for the purpose of improving patient care. Providers may include primary care practitioners, specialists, and/or subspecialists. The information is used for diagnosis, therapy, follow-up and/or education, and may include any of the following:

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Expected Benefits:

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  1. I understand that the laws that protect privacy and the confidentiality of medical information also apply to telemedicine, and that no information obtained in the use of telemedicine which identifies me will be disclosed to researchers or other entities without my consent.
  2. I understand that I have the right to withhold or withdraw my consent to the use of telemedicine in the course of my care at any time, without affecting my right to future care or treatment.
  3. I understand that I have the right to inspect all information obtained and recorded in the course of a telemedicine interaction, and may receive copies of this information for a reasonable fee.
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  5. I understand that telemedicine may involve electronic communication of my personal medical information to other medical practitioners who may be located in other areas, including out of state.
  6. I understand that it is my duty to inform my doctor of electronic interactions regarding my care that I may have with other healthcare providers.
  7. I understand that I may expect the anticipated benefits from the use of telemedicine in my care, but that no results can be guaranteed or assured.

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I have read and understand the information provided above regarding telemedicine, have discussed it with my physician or such assistants as may be designated, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I hereby give my informed consent for the use of telemedicine in my medical care.